Oct 28, 2016
Glenn chats with Marco Roca, EVP Hotel Development with Hard Rock Int’l. They talk about the state of the brand, what makes the Hard Rock brand resonate with customers, how it’s expanding throughout the world, and lot’s more.
First, Glenn chats with Johnathan Albano, who is not only the CEO Of Lodging Metrics, but also hosts the Lodging Leaders podcast. Perhaps you heard Glenn on that show? They share what you must know about employee hiring and retention. By coincidence, Glenn hosted a webinar on that very topic last week for SkyTouch Technology. You can watch that webinar here.
Drop us a line at mailto:Glenn@rouse.media.
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Send your comments and questions to be answered on air to Glenn@rouse.media.
Follow Glenn @TravelingGlenn
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathanalbano
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Email: jonathan@lodingmetrics.com
Lodging Leaders Podcast: http://lodgingleaders.com
Build Great Hotel Teams: http://buildgreathotelteams.com
Learn more at http://novacancy.libsyn.com
Produced by Jeff Polly: http://www.endpointmultimedia.com/